
Workshop Lecture

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I am happy to offer my new lecture/Lerhgang modules to the dance schools, clubs, Swissdance members.
Each module lasts 1.20 minutes.
The information within the module will be useful to all levels of dancers that wish to have a deeper understanding of how dancing really works.

In this Lecture i will go into greater details of the mechanics that make it possible for ladies to react to changes of direction and speed changes that man decides to lead.
A few tips for managing the floor
You don’t always need to change your routine if there are obstacles in your way. Making a big change is going to be the last resort. Example of dealing with floor issues:
1. The first action is to adjust your energy level.
This is to move with more power covering more floor distance. The other option is less energy. Some times you can increase power of movement to squeeze through a gap between couples.
2. To change direction.
Often changing the direction of your figure allows you to move around the couple.
3. Change your timing.
Some steps can be stretched out for more bars of music, which is easy in the Standard dances.
4. Change your step combination.
This can be done with simple alternatives.
It’s a good idea to put some focus on floor craft during your practice sessions. Practice on a crowded floor as much as you can, with a goal to keep dancing no matter what happens. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll improve and how much more enjoyment you’ll get out of competing, as well as give to others through the skill of floorcraft.

Floor craft is the skill of creating space on the dance floor. The purpose is to show off the lady as well as to be free to move, unencumbered by other dancers blocking your space. This is as much a technical skill as the footwork, frame and dynamics of dance movements. Yet it seems that a large number of guys are so busy thinking about their technique that they’re completely forgetting about managing their space on the floor. As Luca Baricchi famously put it, “You have a beautiful woman in your arms, and you’re thinking?!”

The glory of ballroom dancing
In my view, good floor craft is the fun of ballroom dancing. It is not only one of the primary responsibilities of the gentleman, but the exciting part of the dance itself.
Who’s responsibility is it?
In ballroom dancing, alignment and direction are the gentleman’s responsibility. For the most part, so is floor craft. But that doesn’t mean the lady can’t help. When he’s going backwards, she will be his eyes. She can signal with her own body that there’s an object directly behind him.
The power of trust
The lady needs to give her partner freedom by trusting in him. Often dancers tense up and stop all the possible options when space gets tight ahead. This a sign that they don’t trust me or themselves to deal with the situation.
A dying art?
Many couples see and seem to only work on speed rather than learning the art of leading. This approach tends to leave no room or time to work on the skill of floor craft. With only one couple on the floor, there’s no way to evaluate how well the couple can deal with traffic and how flexible they are in moving around obstacles without falling apart or losing their technical skills in the process. That’s a real shame, because floor craft is one of the most exciting parts of ballroom dancing.
If this emphasis continues, competitive couples will be even less inclined than ever to put any training into the art of floor craft.